Our sustainability work
For us at Wallenstam, environmental and social responsibility is about developing and working responsibly based on environmental, social and business aspects. Our sustainability work is based on a Group-wide strategy and four climate goals that guide us in our daily work.
Climate tagets
As a part of our sustainability work we have decided on four climate targets as follows:
Wallenstam’s new science-based targets, which are aligned with the Paris Climate Agreement, were approved by the Science Based Targets initiative 2022. This means that Wallenstam undertakes to reduce its Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 50 percent through 2030, with base year 2018. In addition, a voluntary goal has been defined for Scope 3 emissions: to reduce emissions from the construction operations by 55 percent, with base year 2019.
The targets begin to apply on January 1, 2023 and as the Science Based Targets extend through 2030, Wallenstam’s Board has decided to connect the entire business plan to the same period.
The goals within the UN’s Agenda 2030 that Wallenstam has already chosen to focus on are gender equality, affordable and clean energy, decent work and economic growth, sustainable cities and communities and climate action.

Sustainability report
To take part in how we work with sustainability and the national goals in Agenda 2030, feel free to read our sustainability report 2023.
To the reportWe support UN Global Compact
Wallenstam has signed the UN Global Compact, which means that we support and work on the basis of ten principles relating to human rights, labor, a precautionary approach, anti-corruption, and taking responsibility in relation to environmental issues.
Wallenstam strives for sustainability for individuals and companies. We work proactively with action plans to reduce our environmental impact. We invest in reducing our energy consumption and we are self-sufficient in green electricity produced in-house.
Code of conduct
Our Code of Conduct is based on and summarizes the policies and guidelines that govern the business. It is revised and adopted by the Board annually, and sets out the framework for conducting our work in a responsible way.