Hans Wallenstam

CEO, Wallenstam AB

Employed since 1986

Born: 1961

Education: Bachelor of Science (Economics)

Previous executive positions at Wallenstam
1986-1989 Finance Director
1989-1991 CEO Wallenstam i Göteborg AB.

External assignments
Board member of Ulla och Lennart Wallenstamstiftelsen.

Shareholding in Wallenstam as of Dec 31, 2024:
69,000,000 A shares, 99,418,900 B shares (including shares held via companies and family members) and 100,000 synthetic options

Mathias Aronsson

Vice CEO Wallenstam AB, Regional Director Stockholm and Uppsala business area

Employed since 1996

Born: 1972

Previous executive positions at Wallenstam
2001-2003 CEO Wallenstam Stockholm AB
2004-2005 Regional Director Stockholm Wallenstam Bostad AB
2005-2011 CEO Wallenstam Bostad AB

Shareholding in Wallenstam as of Dec 31, 2024:
446,700 B shares and 100,000 synthetic options

Marina Fritsche

Regional Director Gothenburg business area

Employed since 2005/2010

Born: 1967

Education: Master of Science in Civil Engineering from Chalmers University of Technology

Previous executive positions at Wallenstam
2010-2011 Technical Manager, Commercial
2011-2017 Business area manager, Residential
2017-2019 Regional Director Gothenburg business area

External assignments
Board member of Fastighetsägarna Göteborg första regionen, Itsumo AB and of Fastigo.

Shareholding in Wallenstam as of Dec 31, 2024:
183,578 B shares (including shares held via companies and family members) and 100,000 synthetic options

Susann Linde

CFO and Head of Investor Relations

Employed since 2001

Born: 1979

Education: Bachelor of Science (Economics)

Previous executive positions at Wallenstam
2008-2013 Group Controller

Shareholding in Wallenstam as of Dec 31, 2024:
317,500 B shares (including family members) and 100,000 synthetic options

Elisabeth Vansvik

Communications Director

Employed since 2002

Born: 1970

Education: M.A., Media and Communications Science

Previous executive positions at Wallenstam
2008-2010 Head of Communications
2010-2013 Communications and HR Director

External assignments
Board member of Barn i Nöd.

Shareholding in Wallenstam as of Dec 31, 2024:
93,000 B shares and 100,000 synthetic options

Erik Klang

Business strategist

Employed since 2015
Born: 1986
Education: Master of Science in Civil Engineering, Architecture 

Previous executive positions at Wallenstam
2019-2022 Land and development Manager, Stockholm

External assignments
Board member of Ton Ton AB.

Shareholding in Wallenstam as of Dec 31, 2024:
41 080 B shares and 100, 000 synthetic options (including family members).